Saturday, May 23, 2009

I christen thee Franklin.

This weekend 89.3 The Current did three-song sets. It was awesome.

This weekend my parents went to go see Andy's new gallery showing. I was lonely.

Add these together....what do you get? A massive solo dance party in my living room.

I had an interesting discussion with Linnea in the car this evening. We were talking about graduations, stages of life, etc. Upon conversing about the issue of "closure" and moving on, we came to a bit of a decision. The only way to love your entire life is to fully embrace wherever you are at a given point in time. When you're in high school, love it. Do lots of things, make good friends. When you're in college, love it. Do more things, make more good friends. When you're an adult, love it. Don't get sucked into the rat race; stand apart. When you're a parent, love it. Adore your children and raise them to be great people. When you're old and slowly fading, love it. Appreciate your memories, the people you love, and those who love you.

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