Monday, February 16, 2009

A Break in the Waves (of life, that is)

We didn't have class today. I was jazzed to the max.
Lately, I've been wondering if I'm in the right place. Now that I'm not a marine bio major, it isn't a necessity for me to be near an ocean. And I can definitely say that being closer to home would simplify the whole college experience. I was entertaining the idea of staying in Hawaii for two years and then transferring back to the Midwest. My only problem was that I could not pick out a single university that I would want to attend. U of M? Too big. Lawrence? Too Wisconsiny. St. Olaf? Drake? I'm not sure I could handle going to college with my best friend.

Some of my friends and I went surfing in Kailua today. I was out on Kelsey's board, waiting for my wave to come along. I should make a note that, for whatever reason, each and every time I go swimming or surfing, I come up from being underwater and I'm surprised to find that I'm swimming in salt water. I realize I've been living on an island since August, but it still catches me off guard. I can't explain it. Anyway. I was sitting on the board, just looking around. The huge expanse of ocean, the gorgeous beach behind me, a couple islands out a way. I thought to myself, "I can't do this at home. It's just not an option." And it's true. As much as I love Minnesota, I will never be able to surf there, I will never have an ocean there.

That's when it hit me (or maybe it was just a wave). HPU may not be the perfect school for me, but Oahu is the perfect place.

I find myself more at peace now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hiatus, Lacuna, Interlude, Lull, Respite

So I haven't posted in about three weeks. I'm a slacker. Sorry.

Anyway, things are looking good on the Hawaii front. Slowly learning to surf (sloooooowly), working a lot, putting all of my homework off until the last minute (per usual), hanging out with cool people. The way to go. A general update on recent happenings, just to get back into the swing of things:

I got elected into AS-HPU (student gov) as Freshman Representative. Pseudo-celebrated my half birthday last week. I have a creeper from my Oceanography class who keeps texting me. The person I actually like is totally not interested. I haven't started my RA application yet. Or my taxes. Also I have a huge amount of homework to do! But it's ok because we don't have class tomorrow. Yay.