Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CKS lurrrve

I just received a package from some of my long lost friendos at Creative Kidstuff. The contents:

- 3 nasty ass marshmallow ice cream cones that we've had in stock since the beginning of summer
- 1 marines lanyard
- 1 zoo gift bag (chapstick, shampoo samples, coupons, magnet)
- 3 banana candy sticks
- 1 kooky klicker
- 1 Hamline University pencil
- 2 University of St. Thomas temporary tattoos
- 10 Playmobil tattoos
- 1 quitplan water bottle
- 1 quitplan tin-thing of mints
- 1 Chevy dealers t-shirt
- 1 pamphlet on Essential Sign Language
- 1 members directory for the Minnesota Legislature (86th session)
- 1 census goody bag
- 2 onomatopoeia band-aids (WHAM! and BAM)
- Minnesota State Government's puzzle book for kids
- a Rosie the Riveter button that says "Defend Minnesota"
- 4 broken homemade cookies (thanks, Kelly)
- 1 red pine seedling (is that even legal to mail?)
- a ton of foof
- a shard of the watch display I broke one night at work

I'm pretty sure they charged it to the company.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A rhinoceros would have been more plausible.

Last night I changed all three of my phone alarms from basic chimes to obnoxious little techno beats. As such, I woke up this morning ready to rave my way through class.

Unfortunately, I fell back asleep after breakfast. When I nap, I have strange dreams. I'm not entirely conscious so they're not daydreams, but I'm not in REM sleep so they're not real dreams.

This morning's dreams were unusually realistic. They had me walking down to the shuttle with my backpack and sunglasses, ready to start the day. Pseudo-conscious, I thought I was seriously on my way to the shuttle stop. The dream continued on for ten or fifteen minutes. I then suddenly realized I was asleep. I blasted my ass out of bed and scrambled to pull my things together.

As I rushed out the door, I blamed my lateness on the realness of my dreams. I thought about the progression of events that had taken place. Leaving my room, putting in my iPod, waving to people as I walked down the road. It was then that I realized that my dream had included elephants. A whole bunch of very friendly elephants.

That probably should have tipped me off that I was asleep.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Friday night.

On my Friday night, I came home from class and napped. I then watched an episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta and felt that I had wasted a large amount of my time. I then went to dinner, sat around, kind of did homework, and sat around some more.

At one point I found myself in the RA office, making a jellyfish out of condoms and dental dams. Upon returning to my room with my jellyfish, one of my residents thought it was extremely cool. We then had arts and crafts in my common room, during which we made more condom jellyfish. Wowwwwww.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

If I only had a hammock.

It's been a rough day and a half. More than that, I suppose.

There's only so much about my job I can say here. I honestly don't know who reads this and, as my residents continue to friend me on facebook, I feel as though I should post with caution. Maybe I'll take the link off my facebook. Take note, all.

I would give a lot for a hammock right now. And some fall colors. And my mom.

I find myself avoiding my friends. Not purposefully pulling away, but not making the same effort I used to make. It's like I'm turning into Andy. I'm not becoming an art snob, nor am I about to spend an entire month hiking through the wilderness, but I'm losing my ties. Unlike Andy, I don't have that one perfect person in my life.

Maybe I just need to hike. I can't tell if this is stress or an existential crisis or depression or my life oozing away from me.

Today in Public Speaking, we were presenting speeches on overcoming our greatest challenges. One of my friends got up and started speaking about when he got his girlfriend pregnant. He is extremely pro-life. But she got an abortion. "I feel like I killed my kid." He cried in front of us. Just cried.

Good lord I'm tired.

Monday, September 21, 2009

If we could have a single minute of absolute peace, what could be accomplished?

A simple 60 seconds.

Happy International Day of Peace.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Maybe she was high?

Today, I received a card from my mom. On the front, there is a really nice little painting of some lily pads and a turtle - the point of view is from beneath the surface of the water. There is a quote that says "Your life will no doubt find its own paths. That they be good ones, and rich and expansive, that I wish for you more than I can say." - Rainer Maria Rilke

It's a really nice little verse and I know that my mom means it. I then opened up the card.

"Happy Un-Birthday!
Love you bunches - Mom"


Oh dear.

Busybusybusybusybusybusy. That's me.

I currently have 15 minutes before Fiction Writing. Just enough time to appease my guilt of not having posted in a few weeks.

Thus far (after two days), my classes are great. I'm really excited about every single one of my professors - definitely a plus. One of my profs is essentially an asian Willy Wonka in skate shoes. Another is a little old asian man who is blind in one eye, continually bumps into things while he paces the classroom, and absolutely shreds on guitar. The other three are slightly less exciting, but still awesome.

I haven't had any problems with the balancing act so far, but we'll see how that goes. RA of Kukui, 15 credits, Sophomore Rep in AS-HPU, probably President's Host, applying for various honor societies, volunteering in the Honors office, and three to four meetings a week. Umm yeah.