Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Looking up? Not so much.

Last night: most horrible night ever.

So I had a cough yesterday. Not anything terrible, just one of those annoying tickles in your throat. I figured I'd take my multivitamin as well as Vitamin C and go to bed early. Don't I wish.

I got back from work just after midnight, took a quick shower, and got into bed (wearing my usual sleepwear: shorts and a beater). Soon, I found myself coughing incessantly, unable to stop. Shortly after that, I found myself absolutely freezing, curled up into a ball under my blanket (fever much?). Way after that (we're talking 3:30 at this point), I convinced myself to get up and put on my one pair of sweatpants and my one long-sleeved tee and take some ibuprofen. I considered texting Steve to see if he was still up, but didn't want to bother him. Instead, I listened to music and hoped hoped hoped that I would fall asleep.

Eventually, I did. At about 4:30. Then I got up at 7:15 for breakfast and errands. On the way back from errands, I fell down the stairs next to Lehua (and bashed myself in the face with the orange juice I bought). Great. Welcome to my life.

1 comment:

whitney! said...

kate! I want to give you a hug right now! dang it, I hope today is going better? just take a day off dude, you're working overtime. i love love love you!