Saturday, November 1, 2008

The 5th Best Place to be on Halloween (in the world)

So it turns out that Halloween is a really big deal here in Hawaii. Seriously.
I've had three different costumes in a week.

Last weekend was the Monsters Ball dance at Planet Hollywood. Definitely had more fun than I expected to. I tend to be kind of a bum at dances and those kind of functions, but I totally danced my ass off and had a rockin time. There were some hardcore creepers at the dance, but what else is new. An excellent night overall. Exhausting, but excellent.

Tuesday night was Haunted Halls. I probably spent upwards of 18 hours between Saturday and Tuesday working on it. Our theme was Indiana Jones (we drew a lot from The Temple of Doom). It was friggin amazing. We had moving spike walls, fluorescent bugs, gooshy stuff, tiki men with compressed air, a torture chamber, a giant boulder, scary jungle people, and a sacrificial altar/temple type thing. The 3rd floor railing was rigged up with vines and moss and Corey shaved his head and did the Haka. It was ridiculous. Needless to say, we won. Fantastic. It was worth getting super behind in Biology. Almost.

Last night was finally Halloween. Kelsey had the amazing idea of being Guitar Heroes as our costumes. Perfect. We looked ridiculously awesome and had bundles of fun. A bunch of us went down to Waikiki (Kelsey drove) for dinner at Chili's and walking the strip afterward. We stumbled across a few other guitar heroes and a many people far more horrifying. At one point, some people stopped us because heroes with guitars was something on their scavenger hunt list. I felt helpful. All of us are kind of sick, so we came back pretty early and watched Silence of the Lambs. Epic evening. Truly.

1 comment:

whitney! said...

sounds like an awesome halloween! ... so you should probably bring "wauilele" back into your regular vocabulary now that you're hawaiian and all... :)