Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wait, are you serious?

So I turn on my computer this morning. Check all of my emails (the yahoo account, both gmails, as well as my HPU address) and then log on to Facebook. I see a friend request. "Oooh," I think, "Somebody wants to be my friend!" I click. The photo is of a happy looking blond girl and her boyfriend. I look at the name. Karrah Watkins.


Let me take you back ten years or so. I'm eight years old and I'm camping with my family in Canada - it's our usual summer camping trip, but it's the first time I've been to Canada. Nothing special there (just kidding to all you Canadians). Point is, there was another little girl in the campsite across the path from us. Her name was Karrah Watkins. During our week of camping, Karrah and I became pretty good friends. We played a lot and got our families to hang out together. When it came time for Karrah to leave, we were both crushed. She gave me a friendship bracelet and we traded addresses, promising to write to each other. And we did. For quite a long time. Probably a couple years at least. Then one of us would forget and a letter wouldn't come for six months. Then the other would forget and a letter wouldn't come for a year. I think the last letter I sent was in 9th grade.

But today I pull up Facebook and who do I see? My long lost pen-pal Miss Karrah Watkins.
Weird weird weird world.

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