Anyway, I am finally no longer sick. Last week was hellish, but I'm all better in time for Thanksgiving break. It's going to be good. Dinner at Kelsey's house with her crazy German grandmother and kickball at the park next door. Pool partying it up at the house where Kelsey is house sitting. Checking out the Lost sets, making Joey jealous with the pictures I take.
Speaking of. I talked to Joey yesterday and all my crabbiness from this last week dissipated. It was great. We talked about how much it sucks that I won't be home for Thanksgiving, started planning all of our adventures for Christmas break. We're going to pull John out of school and take him to lunch so everybody will think he's the coolest guy ever ("Joey, all of his friends are going to be so jealous! His brother and that random chick are pulling him out of school!" "Well, that random chick is pretty cool too.") Somehow, Joey even remembered our plans to go camping next summer. I couldn't believe that it was still on his mind - I figured he'd just forget about it until next July when I reminded him. I was happy. As we said goodbye, I asked Joey to say hey to his family for me when he's home this week. Our running joke is that Joey's family loves me more than they love him, so he said "No, I have to win their love back." I responded "Fine, then I'll call them on my own." Then Joey pointed out that they would probably, in fact, really really like it if I called to say hi. So I think I will.

I also taught my mom to video chat (she bought a mac). It was ridiculous. She held the cats up the camera "Katie, can you hear Freddy purring? Can you hear him?" "No, mom, but I believe you." Then I could hear my dad in the background, "Liz, you're probably going to want to vacuum out the keyboard after this." Oh man, I'm pumped to see my family.
1 comment:
oh wow. I would love for you to record a video chat with your mom-- the picture is hilarious!
I hope your thanksgiving was as fun as it could be, without being at home and all. Only a couple more weeks!!
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