The other day, there was a homeless guy chillin on Hotel St. with his shopping cart. There was a large metal canister in the front of the cart. Intrigued, I watched him as I waited for the light to turn. The man pulled out a balloon and secured it over the canister. With a push of his thumb, the balloon inflated. After a few seconds, he took the balloon off and tied it shut.
I had already missed a light and was standing still through another one, just watching the man.
He looked at the balloon and let it go. He craned his neck to watch as it rose higher and higher between the buildings. It climbed upward, blowing slightly. The balloon was a mere speck when the man returned his gaze back to earth. He paused for a moment and seemed to sigh.
Then he pulled out a new balloon and did it all again.
He's my new favorite homeless person.

we did that once, but we weren't homeless.
i'm coming to hotel st. I would ask for his number but i feel that would be inappropriate.
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