Such complete serenity I have rarely known. Calm water clear to the bottom. Just enough breeze to keep the few free wisps of hair out of my eyes. Resting with my paddle across the boat. The silence bounces off of rock, refracts like light against the surface of the lake. A sight I have seen countless times - perspective and accent make it breathtaking. I devour the arched colors. Rarely are they so bright, each color vivid and discernible. As my kayak gently lulls me, my perception changes, fading colors in and out. I dip my fingertips over the side of my kayak. They're so cold already that it hardly bothers me. I think about Nick - his instructions in case of rolling the boat. In another lake I might try it for fun, but not here. 42 degrees. You don't last long in water that cold. Sure a wetsuit would help. But in a lake famous for its sunken ships and volatility, I don't think I'll chance it. I want to stay suspended in time. I want every moment of every day to feel like this. Nick calls out, breaking my silence. I'm the last boat still lingering, basking in the perfection of my surroundings. Reluctantly, I pick up my paddle and begin to glide towards shore. This isn't goodbye.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Such complete serenity I have rarely known. Calm water clear to the bottom. Just enough breeze to keep the few free wisps of hair out of my eyes. Resting with my paddle across the boat. The silence bounces off of rock, refracts like light against the surface of the lake. A sight I have seen countless times - perspective and accent make it breathtaking. I devour the arched colors. Rarely are they so bright, each color vivid and discernible. As my kayak gently lulls me, my perception changes, fading colors in and out. I dip my fingertips over the side of my kayak. They're so cold already that it hardly bothers me. I think about Nick - his instructions in case of rolling the boat. In another lake I might try it for fun, but not here. 42 degrees. You don't last long in water that cold. Sure a wetsuit would help. But in a lake famous for its sunken ships and volatility, I don't think I'll chance it. I want to stay suspended in time. I want every moment of every day to feel like this. Nick calls out, breaking my silence. I'm the last boat still lingering, basking in the perfection of my surroundings. Reluctantly, I pick up my paddle and begin to glide towards shore. This isn't goodbye.
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