Thursday, May 28, 2009

My mother is making me an alligator scarf.

Ahh, summer. The sun shining into my front window, Fred snoring next to me on the couch (his little claws reaching out to snag my shirt from time to time), a popsicle for the mailman sitting in the freezer.

I'm glad that I'm friends with my mailman. Tim. I've lived in the same house for my entire life and I'm pretty sure he's been our mailman for the duration. He gives me birthday cards with money, I give him popsicles and lemonade on hot days. He gives me christmas gifts, I make him caramel corn and cookies. Yesterday, he parked next to our house just as I was pulling out to head to Claire's house. I came home at twoish in the morning and saw a note in my kitchen. The handwriting was familiar, but I couldn't place it. "Kate has a driver's side brake light out." Then I realized it was from Tim. Oh, Tim. You're the best.

I decided that Linnea and I are going to have a Galactic Day. This means that we dress as "galactic" as humanly (or not humanly, god I'm lame) possible and have adventures like going to the planetarium. If I can, I'm going to find some sort of antennae to wear...

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