Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not exactly productive, but it's a start.

I'm writing a research paper on Organic Farming. Unfortunately, I suck at research. Today I went to the reference floor of the library in order to try my hand at subject encyclopedias, etc. I sat down at an empty table and took out all of my stuff. I looked around, sizing up the students around me (I was definitely the only freshman in the library) and surveying the rows upon of rows of enormous books.

Intimidated beyond belief, I did what only I would do in that situation: I wrote haikus.

Organic farming
the topic of my paper
research calls to me

here I find myself
mysterious library
where do I begin

I miss Joey Stych
my best friend in the whole world
Minnesota love

Not my best work, but it pseudo-got me over my paralyzing fear of the library. Next time I'm just going to ask the librarian for help.


whitney! said...

Kate. If I was in Hawaii I would give you a tour of your library and be the wind beneath your wings for finding things and feeling confident amidst the books. But since I'm not, I'm mentally daring you to ask for help and be the clueless freshman in the library, it's so worth it. miss you!

Anonymous said...

dude libraries no shit about organic farming.

come to Richmond, I'll show you mine, you'll learn much more.